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Get this amazing book from Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CXXRNZRP for Paperback https://a.co/d/fQt7eD6 for Hardcover https://a.co/d/7rFBZxo for Kindle Unlimited Valerie Shane - a former LA singer, moves to Chicago to get married, then has to start a new life i...
Haunting memories of a war event draws Marshal Boedel and Colonel Brown together for the first time in several years. In an all-but-dead town they find themselves pitted against a mystical foe they thought had been done away with in the swamps. The marshal also must deal with outlaws that have his d...
King Tut slept undisturbed in his tomb for more than three thousand three hundred years. Now, King Tut walks again amongst the living. The ancient spells of the Book of the Dead have given the boy king new life, but they have also brought forth a frightening danger. Tut emerges into the modern world...
During the telling of the novels--Two trauma surgeons. One neural surgeon. A room full of heavily armed assassins and government agents. Four contract killers with no morals. Two young men who can see the future. An Emperor and his enforcer. Two international assassin organizations. A man who reads ...
A black car with a powerful, fire-spewing engine causes deadly accidents involving police officers. A police department seeks to stop the car, but soon questions what they are chasing. The lethal car and its driver seem possessed. Nothing the police have done is able to stop the car. Then a mysterio...
Alexander Vallincourt hires on as a cabin boy on a ship which becomes entrapped in an ice flow near the North Pole, forcing the crew to abandon ship. Vallincourt becomes lost and nearly succumbs to the elements. Rescued by an Inuit tribe Vallincourt is given water from a mystical pool. He is told th...
There’s something about an inmate that suddenly vanishes from a prison that has raised red flags within several clandestine branches of government and has drawn the attention of two assassins hell bent on killing him. Caught between the killers and government agents, an investigative reporter ...
A group of ransom seekers take over an island, forcing hundreds of residents into being hostages. But they have set foot on the wrong island where an alien being takes exception to the wrongdoing on HIS island, turning the situation into a nightmarish ordeal for the ransom seekers. Available in eBoo...
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse make a disturbing appearance in a large city. The Horseman Death breaks away and unleashes havoc on the city. A police lieutenant and sergeant work to track down Death, while not completely sure of what it is they are looking for. Death leaves a gruesome trail of ...
He fought in a war for the French King. He pledged his life to protect the Pope when Rome was sacked. He fell in love with a woman the emperor was obsessed with. Now, the young Swiss Guard will risk his life to rescue the only woman he ever loved, even if it means fighting the emperor directly. Avai...
A serial killer has a large city gripped in a state of fear. The murderer crosses an ocean and ignites fear across an entire continent. The question goes from WHO is doing the killing, to WHAT is doing the killing. The police are determined to find the answer, and when they do find the answer, they ...
Joel Goulet has been writing novels since 2000. His captivating, descriptive style of writing is in the formats of eBooks, paperback, and hardcover, available in several countries depending upon title and format. Novels are in the genres of suspense, mystery, western, horror, science fiction, and hi...
Enjoy a warm swim even during the colder months. Our heaters are easy to install and energy-efficient, which means you can save money while keeping your pool warm. Buy now and get free shipping! Phone: 7052932233 Email: info@poolproductscanada.ca Website: https://...
Best Homestone Cookware Our premium collection offers unparalleled cooking experiences. Crafted from natural stone, it ensures optimal heat retention for delightful dishes. From searing to simmering, experience versatile cooking on any stovetop. Elevate your kitchen with timeless aesthetics and eco-...
Cutting-Edge Excellence: CNC Machine Tools in Manufacturing